Serious about adopting a dog?
“Are you serious about adopting a dog? They aren’t that pretty; They are aggressive and they bite!” That was the response we get from friends when we mentioned that we would like to adopt instead of shop for a dog. Murphy was not the first dog that caught our eyes. However we believe it must […]
My Adoction
“One day, I was trotting down Paya Lebar square with heaps of my friends. I was just over by the grass but I felt nervous when this lady came up to say hi. You know what they say, don’t talk to strangers!! With a lot of help from my foster parents and rehomer though, I […]
Sancho and Lewis
Sancho and Lewis! This is now my go to expression. For some time my husband and I wanted to get another dog. We saw the cutest little pug puppy at a famous pet shop, and since we already had one -our lovely Sancho- we thought, “why not get one more?” When we took a step […]
Phoebe, A black mongrel with a crooked L-shaped tail
“Ed and I have always wanted to have our own pet dog. However, we had a lot of questions, doubts, and concerns about how to look after one when both of us are working… Fortunately, God provided when we chanced upon an SOSD Adoption Drive at Bishan Junction 8. Despite visiting other adoption drives and […]
Billie and Josie
Hi, I’m Billie. Recently, my family’s life was changed when we adopted Josie. Our fate changed quite by chance; we saw from the SOSD Facebook page that there was an adoption drive at AMK hub, so we decided to go over and take a look since it was near our home anyway. When we first […]
Naughty Nori
Hello my name is Nori, and I have just celebrated my 3rd birthday with my new family! My hoomans actually baked me a cake and made me wear a party hat (how silly) 🐶 I felt so much love not just on that day itself but since the first day I stepped into my new […]
Joie and Jeremy’s Story
Read Joie and Jeremy’s story on how they fell in love and adopted Olly. It started with helping to care for our neighbour’s GR, Sydney for a few days. She is 13yrs old and was home alone because the grandfather of the family had passed away. While the entire family was occupied with the sad […]
Remember Qian Qian?
Remember Qian Qian? This 2 legged beauty stole the hearts of thousands when she became a therapy dog in SOSD’s Healing Paws program. Despite being born with 2 legs, Qian Qian is spirited, and never gave up on life. Today, we are even more delighted as we announce that she has found a family to […]