Happi 2.0 is here!

Date: September 19, 2017 | Posted in: Fundraising
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Happi is a free app that drives recurring funding to SOSD. If you have not sign up do so now! If you have not update, do so now too!!

If you are new user, after filling in the registration form, simply find SOSD in “Partners List” – Animal Welfare Groups, click on it to support us.

For previous respondents, once you update your apps, you will need to check your email for the password reset code.

Happi is now sponsoring 2 exclusive gifts for SOSD respondents. You can click on EVENT and find out. Once, you SMILE (select) it and answered survey questions, you stand to win the gifts & gift $0.20 to SOSD at the same time.

To find Happi Apps:
iPhone users: https://itunes.apple.com/sg/app/happi-global/id1066117097?mt=8
Android users: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.happi

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