2017 has been a rewarding year as we managed to find homes for 50 adult dogs, an average of four adult dogs being rehomed monthly. Rehoming is not a simple task, especially for adult dogs. The work ranges from getting the word out, matching a potential adopter (PA) to a dog with suitable energy, ensuring the PA knows the responsibilities of adoption, many hours of consultation and visits, settling in adult dogs that have never been in a home before, working out issues with the PA and, sadly sometimes, receiving these dogs back and resettling them into the shelter environment again. This can be a lengthy and energy-draining process but positively life-changing for both human and dogs.
On this note, we are also very grateful and happy to announce that five-year-old very-active-Feliz who grew up in the shelter and has gone through four years of flag days trying to meet someone, sashaying through countless of adoption drives, has finally found her lovely home in 2017. This would not have been possible if not for the tireless Rehoming Team and in the Shelter Rehoming Team IC’s words, “This is our most accomplished adoption case” of 2017.
Kudos to the Shelter Rehoming Team (and many more new-comers) who volunteered many hours, on top of their various daily commitments!