With a heavy heart, we would like to announce that SOSD is currently battling a Parvovirus outbreak. The outbreak started on 28 November 2018, in our quarantine unit. One of the puppies rescued from a Trap, Neuter, Release site developed bloody diarrhoea.
Immediately, all necessary measures have been taken, including:
- transfer of any dogs displaying symptoms to the vet for intensive treatment.
- lockdown of SOSD shelter, with no personnel going in and out out of shelter other than our supervisor and manger.
- cessation of all shelter activities including pack walks and tours until we are certain the disease is contained and over.
Parvovirus is a deadly disease infected the gut of dogs, causing bloody diarrhoea. It is particularly deadly in puppies. One of the puppies have already passed away, with the others fighting for their lives.
Due to the intensive nature of our rescue work, many puppies were in quarantine. 13 dogs have been infected – one has died, and 12 dogs (2 mummies and 10 puppies) are now fighting for their lives.
This is our worst Parvovirus outbreak to date, with the most number of infected dogs. We need your prayers, support, and donations to help with the expensive medical bills needed to give the puppies a fighting chance.
Picture: Jingle, our puppy who succumbed to Parvovirus.