All Dogs >> Freddie


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Gender: Male
HDB Approved: Yes

Estimated DOB: 08 Aug 2016

Personality: Freddie is a great dog. He was adopted when he was less than a year old, and while his main caregiver had moved abroad, other family members continued to care for him for the years that followed.
Sadly, due to tragic events, Freddie has now ended up back under our care. While he’s currently with our fosterer, we hope to find a forever home for him this time, where he can be loved unconditionally for the rest of his life.
Time flies – that young jovial puppy we used to know is now 7.5 years. It is getting urgent to get him adopted now, as he’s quickly approaching his ‘senior’ years, making him less attractive for adoption.
Freddie is still in good health based on his most recent vet check, though he could use a little weight loss, a problem that should be fixed easily! In any case, he is not HDB-approved due to his height.

If you are keen to foster SOSD dogs, please register your interest here.

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