All Dogs >> Jingles


Sponsored by Z.J.R

Gender: Male
HDB Approved: Yes

Estimated DOB: 31 Jan 2018

Personality: Introducing Jingles, a dog with a unique farm-to-shelter journey. Originally, he and his companion, Binky, resided on a farm. However, when the farm owners moved away, they contacted us at the last minute, revealing they wouldn’t be taking Jingles and Binky with them. Fearing for their safety and well-being, we quickly sprang into action, bringing them to our shelter.

Currently, Jingles and Binky are in the process of acclimating to shelter life, which is quite a change from their years of freedom on the farm. Encouragingly, they are already displaying signs of growing more comfortable with their new surroundings. We eagerly anticipate the day when we can find them loving owners and provide them with forever homes they truly deserve!

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